Who Drives their muscle mopars as Daily drivers?

I was told by one of the car club members that he was with Wetter Oakland for years and after a set amount of time when his car needs to be appraised again they send someone to his house and do it for nothing. I switched because it is a family biz and it was a bit cheaper.
If you have old autos newspaper the ad shows that it handles all insurance types as well as classic cars.
The guy who appraised my Fury did a horrible job and just used an ad on the net to give it a value. When I sent the package to them the guy called me back and said this appraisal can't be right..and added $2500 to the value LOL.
The neat thing was I knew the value should have been higher and so did the insurance guy.
As for what regular insurance company was I with, that was many moons ago my friend and I am one of those guy's who can't remember what I had for dinner last night. LOL