Radiator ID Help

I have a 3-core radiator with tranny cool with these numbers 2582975. The lower hose is on the driver side. I was wondering what this was out of so I can find a fan shroud.

I am planning on putting this in my barracuda with a 360. A radiator shop said they could move the lower hose outlet to the passenger side without much trouble.

I did look in the tech section under radiator ID that adamr posted and did not see it there.

Thanks jim

Hey Jim, I didn't realize it was you posting this thread. This is Geof, who you got your rear window trim from. Glad to see that you are coming along on the 67. Am I mistaken, or is there 2 different water pumps for small blocks, that dump out on either side? Maybe an easier change than moving the lower snout on the rad. Also, if I'm not mistaken, in 66 that rad should have the 2 piece steel shroud that is pretty hard to find. I got mine from Big Joe from WV, if I can find his number I'll post it for you. He always has a couple of those shrouds for sale at the Nats, but they aren't cheap. I watched mine go from $160.00 to $225.00 over the course of 2 years before I bought it. I'll look for his number tonight and post it if i find it, and maybe you could put a post in the wanted section of this site, I'll bet someone out there in FABO land has one. Geof