What oil has zinc now?


I noticed the reference in the thread to composite lifers.

I have tried two sets of ceramics (full custom made radial lifters - see pix) - both sets caused cam failure in street use. Both lived well through break in and multiple dyno runs but ultimately wiped the cam. Admittedly street duty with high velocity ramps / big lift can be very rough on a cam - tried multiple profiles. Great power but not life. Both lifter sets were made by Joe Shubeck - he supplied the cam as well.

In any case, I can not speak for all ceramic lifters - but I have a very lightened wallet that says they are not for street use.


Two Lifters B (Small).JPG

Pushrod Angle1 s.jpg

BadLobe2 5-22-04 (Small).JPG

BadLobe1 clip 5-22-04.jpg