Birth of the Blue Missile
This aught to at least bring back some memories of the times:
Back to the road trip:
We made it to Atlanta at about mid night and I was sort of lost. I had gotten us to the general area of his development but I was having trouble finding his street from the directions he gave me. I pulled up over a small hill and there was a cop just parked in the middle of the road. So I pulled up to him and showed him the directions and asked him for help finding the street. He said well its right over there but in the mean time pull over and get out of the car. I did and got out of the car and closed the door behind me. Glen who was traveling with me got out of the other side and closed the door behind him. The cop asked me for my license and registration, and then asked what I was doing there at that time of night. I told him we were visiting a friend from school and that we had driven all day from Miami to get here. I told Him who we were visiting and gave him the address. In the mean time his partner was looking through the windows with his flashlight. He came back and talked to his partner and I was told that they were going to arrest me for having controlled substances in the car. He then said he was going to do an inventory search of the car. I was not asked for permission.
To put the record straight we were perfectly straight and very tired. He then started to go through the car and this was of great concern to me. When he slid the console ashtray open looking for debris, it was filled with switches and indicator lights. Yes
there was a rocket in the tube. It was not armed but if he fiddled with the switches he could arm and launch it with the hood closed. All I asked him to do is dont play with the switches. He asked why? I told him you could start a fire. Since he was looking for drugs he backed off. You see his thinking was any car from Miami had to have drugs in it. He then had me open the trunk and searched my luggage. He found my stash of pipes I had made, and that I was bringing to show Ted. They also found the beanbag we had been throwing around the cabin containing about a pound of seeds, Ted wanted to plant a field. When asked I just said it was a beanbag. About that time his partner shows up with a seconal that he had found, obviously someone had dropped it and it had rolled under the seat. It wasnt mine, if I did such things I just went to sleep; there was no getting high about it. That fact had become sort of a running joke among my friends, the same with drinking.
When the first cop saw the pill, he said up until this we were going to let you go. But the possession of this is a felony and we now have to book you. I told him that everything other than the pill was mine and my passenger had nothing to do with it. So he didnt impound the car and he let Glen drive the car to Teds house where he told Ted what had happened. I was escorted to the Decaulb county jail and booked. This was becoming a very scary deal. Until then and since then I have never had a run-in with the law. It didnt get any better. (now Im going to quote here so please understand these are not my words) The booking sergeant after taking my prints and photos then told me a very typical southern drawl Dont worry boy I wont put you in with no niggers or faggots. OH MY GOD! Please keep in mind this is Fourth of July weekend Im not going to be able to call anyone or certainly get to any funds until Monday!
They put me in a cell with Plexiglas instead of bars at the front and with ten other guys. There was also a partial Plexiglas wall between the cells, so you could see from cell to cell as well. In the cell next to us were a bunch of Black Muslims and one very young white kid. Within the first couple of hours the next morning I noticed that while the white kid was sweeping the floor, the Muslims ganged up on him after exchanging some words. They proceeded to jump him and started beating the crap out of him. While others in my cell noticed, no one did anything about it.The kid then took the broomstick and stuck it half way through one of them actually impaling him. At that point everyone in my cell went to the front glass and started to beat on it in unison until it had almost come out of its frame. When the guards showed up to see what the racket was we pointed them to what was going on in the next cell. They immeadtly took the white kid out of the cell and stuck him in with us. They took the impaled prisoner to the infirmary, he was really hurt. This kid was fairly beat up but had managed to hold his own. I asked him what he was in for, he said taking a joy ride in a car. He might have been all of sixteen. That evening for dinner we had sandwiches and a very quaint square of cake with red white and blue frosting and little American flags stuck in them. Oh yeah this was a Fourth I was going to remember.
Again these were my days of not using my brain.
Kids dont do this at home, I'm what you call an expert.