Big Block Conversion $$$
You didnt say weather or not the B-Body has the rest of the drive train? if the trans, driveshaft and rear are there you might want to consider checking over the whole shabang!
Your going to need the BB trans, a shorter driveshaft (might as well take one and keep the one you have just in case you need to shorten another lol). Check closely the doner axle... if its a 8.75 grab it with the shock plates and brakes. If need be you can have the axle shortened... you wont be able to have the axles from the B-body shorned as they dont have the meat but MOSER can supply custom bigbolt axles and all the other hardware required. If your on a budget this route may be cheaper than an ACTUAL a-body rear complete. (I just wanted to mention that there has recently been a huge number of cheap Ferd 9" rears here in Ottawa... wonder whats going on?)
Regardless of if you go BB or SB your trans, driveshaft and 7.25 rear has got to go! ...ok technically the 7.25 doesnt have to go but it will very quickly 'go' if you dont change it! LOL
PS a 74 or later b-body may have the 9.25 rear as in my Charger but I havent looked into the feasability of sortening these. Prolly not worth the effort as apparently they are not as strong as the 8.75's and not as abundant as the C-body 8.75's.