Chrysler Closes....

Who needs them.

No, wait I'm thing of GM.
This is a time of rethinking everything we have believed in. We all knew this was coming when the government gave it's blessing to the companies to move to other countries. We knew the competition would lead to pressures and even extreme pressures on the economy of the US. I liked Bill Clinton but have been told that he was the one that came up with the free trade agreement. I don't know who it was but they sold the US down the road. I don't know who started this but they should have been built in protections to avoid the undermining of the US economy. Maybe that is what they had in mine, to get the US more in line with the rest of the world but IT'S KILLING US RIGHT NOW! My line of thinking is that it should have been blended in over a longer period of time. I'm in favor of helping our brothers in other countries but they must be held to a tight guideline to assure not to drive some countries into recession or even depression. This is not the only factor in driving us into what we are now facing but it is a part of it.