gas prices up again.
seems like everytime an Al queda Dimwhit makes a threat, the cost of oil/gas goes up, these guys aren't stupid, they're trying to destroy our economy, AND SUCEEDING!!!!! I just read on CNN that another threat was made, there goes gas prices. Then you have the politicians dingbats spending money like there is no tomorrow, so now the value of the dollar is down so it costs more to buy the same product...oil! And what about price gouging, and some of the stupid taxes, like..."Liquid Fuel Franchise Tax"! What the He** is this $h1T?!?! So I have to pay an additional .20-.30 because it came in a truck with the word 'Texxaco' or 'Mobile' on it. So we pay higher prices for fuel, and send the oil we pump out of this country over to Japan and China, who doesn't want our products imported so we get taxed for that, and let them build up their middle class and keep this country with only RICH & poor. I feel being in the trucking industry, that depends on the economy, there is a recession..NO....DEPRESSION coming, in a major way! Thank you Mr. President!