Chrysler Closes....

All the people saying that UAW members make to much money have it backwards. It's not that they make to much,it's that you make to little. No matter what you do for a living someone else is doing it for a lot less than you. Do you want to match their wages? I can't live on $2.00 a day, can you? We should be stiving to raise our standard of living, not racing to the bottom.
For what it's worth,line workers at Jeep make $57,000 a year based on a 2000 hour work year. Thats not a lot of money. But, I agree, the UAW should help out.
Next time you badmouth unions remember, they gave you 40 hour work weeks, vacations, paid holidays, overtime pay, healthcare, and retirement plans. Several people were killed to give you those things. Lets try and pass them to our kids.