Chrysler Closes....

Next time you jump into your or see someone else driving a "foreign" auto,you can thank them/yourself for the collapse of the American auto industry...i can honestly say all my vehicle were made right here in the U.S.A. by American based companies...

Do you really think that a person who drives a foreign car is the reason why auto companies are going under? C'mon! All auto manufacturers use foreign labor to build and componentize their vehicles. We live in a global economy and it is never going to change.

There are many reasons why our economy is in the shitter. We all think we know why but the fact is that is a culmination of things. Such as NAFTA, the housing market, politics, corporate greed, people “buying foreign vehicles”, unions etc.

Who do you think owns the “Big Three”? The answer is foreign and domestic investors. Wasn’t Ma Mopar owned by Daimler?! So I guess if you owned a Chrysler in the last few years you are a foreign car owner!

So my point is let’s stop all of the finger pointing and come up with a solution.