Bracing shock towers?

OK -First off, let me inform folks that we (US Car Tool) are a dealer for RMS and sell / install the Alterktion front ends.

And let me clear up a small point - the Alterktion DOES use the shock tower area - the upper control arms still bolt to that spot (as do the OEM UCA's).

My rationale for adding the shock tower bracing is based on the extra forces carried by the front frame rails with a non-torsion bar front suspension. For the record, Bill (maker of the Alterktions) and I differ a bit on this opinion!!

My view is; the OEM torsion bar front suspension distributes some of the front end force via the torsion bar to the torsion bar crossmember and the balance is carried in the frame rail. The front frame rail is "triangulated" by the inner fender to the firewall. (Sidenote: I can tell you from several cars that we have replaced front clips on that the inner fender provides a substantial amount of support to the front frame rails! I have a 70 Challenger in the shop with the inner fenders disconnected from the firewall at the braces so the only thing remaining are the front frame rails. It is scary how much they move without the inner fender bracing!)

Now, when an Alterktion is installed in your A Body, all the suspension forces are carried by the front frame rails. There is no more torsion bar to distribute some of the force to the crossmember and the Alterktion coil over upper shock mount is ultimately connected to the frame rail. All the suspension forces are now carried by the front frame rails (supported by the inner fenders as well).

This is where Bill and I diverge. I believe that reinforcing the top of the shock tower to the firewall helps keep the frame rails from deflecting under serious suspension load, Bill believes the stock frame rail / inner fender is very strong and no extra bracing is needed under that load.

So that's my reasoning for recommending the inner fender bracing. I add them to almost every car we build as I see it as a relatively small expense for the added stiffness, it is practically hidden and has zero tire clearance issues.

Hope that helps!

Have you seen an Alterk that has not been braced have a failure?