Anyone running Crosswind Intake?

I'm using the F.A.S.T. XFI injection system with Eddy LA heads.

Well, the decision to use the Crosswind or not has been taken out of my hands. I wanted the dual plane (for better low-rpm torque), air gap style with the cast-in nitrous bosses to ease fuel rail installation. My engine builder checked and said they don't make it for Mopar small block engines.

A neighbor of mine is friends with the owner of Professional Products so we called him last night. He confirmed that they don't have the bosses cast on the dual plane Mopar intakes. Kind of pisses me off, cause they show it on their website. Guy actually told me I should buy an Edelbrock. So I guess I'm getting the Eddy Super Victor EFI that is single plane, but is already drilled for the fuel rails.

Thanks for all the feedback!