What to do with A body parts?

freshayr said
nobody is really answering your question and I am interested in the answer because I am in the same boat you are!

Its not that no one is answering the question, Everyone who does upgrades is in the same boat.
What to do. We all know that more than likely we will never swap back to the original but if we sell our cars does having all the original numbers matching parts for your original numbers matching car count for something, YES.
So what do we do? We sit on the parts for the reason mentioned above and the second reason is if I ever do want to go back to original do you want to hunt down these parts and pay an arm and a leg for them.
If you know your never going to use them sell them.
If you have space to store them, store them.
If you have a friend who needs them work with them.
Prices of these parts only go up as they get harder to find.