Bracing shock towers?

"went 11.80 lifting the front tire. with a big block. yeah i should have them, but dont. there is not one sign of damage to my car from flex though"

Lifting the one front tire IS a very visible sign. If you're a fabricator, you know what happens if you flex a piece of steel enough in the same directions... It fractures. It take a lot to show hard signs of the problem. I know several cars that had no visible damage, but when torn down, under the seam sealer, were popped spot welds and cracks. Panel and door alignment, or having to correct the steeering as the car launches are signs too, but there are a lot of people who pay them no mind. Obviously it's up to the individual to decide to go thru the 60 minutes of fitting and welding. Some will want it, some won't care, and will simply be ignorant of it.