family dealings (rant)

sorry to be spillin this on you guys and gals but i have had it. my aunt owns an antique shop nearby where i live. i WAS working for her free because her shop needed people. ok no problem untill i tell her kids that an antique shop is not a playground. well.... guess what take your kids to antique stores more often! i was told it WAS their playground and i had no right telling them anything! strike 1! my wife was also trying to help her out by painting up some signs for her. but working 11 hour days 4-6 days a week who has time... the ONLY reason my wife said she would do it is becasue there was no budget for signage. guess what.. there are new signs on the building, my aunts truck AND she has been spending money like crazy. strike 2! and to top everything off when my wife picked up my grandma from there( volenteer help) my wife got the guilt trip of the century because " they had to buy signs because the others weren't finished". strike 3! oh and BTW my wife offered to not only make signs but bussiness cards and flyers 2 YEARS ago and was told they were not needed. this s*&^ pisses me off!

sorry again. i just needed to vent to someone outside my family..

thanx for listening and you guys and glas ROCK!!!!