Read This - Go Get Gas!

Don't take me the wrong way people. I don't want to offend anybody.You guys are all my Brothers here. I've been on this tangent for a few days now.
I think we are all getting it stuck to us.
I think the problem is that a while ago we found it cheaper to buy foriegn oil and we became to dependant on others.
Instead of our government forgiving debets and giving money to other countries, They should have been investing in our country.Instead of dumping it into others.
If the government had built refineries and oil wells and having the oil companies run them and do the research It would have been a win win for everybody.
It would have put the money back into our pockets.

All I see hapening now is the prices of esentials going up, following the fuel prices. This is going to put a big hurting on us, not just at the pumps, but everywhere.