Read This - Go Get Gas!

green67cuda said is shipping costs, airfares, and postage.....

the sad thing is, like mopower said, is "they'll get used to it"

americans are too fat and lazy to do anything but ***** about it. i guarantee the gas stations will get the same business....they may slow a hair in the next few days, since everyone is filling up today, but what are people going to do when they run their tanks empty?
they DAMN sure aren't going to get out of their cozy little worlds they call their cars....they'll just pay the higher prices and sit around and ***** about how they're having to pay so much for gas.

i have 2 feet and a bike if need be. i am not afraid of the 10 mile trip to work.

people puiss me off driving anyway....seems almost everyone is stuck in their little carcoons, oblivious to the world around them. people get in their cars and veg out for the duration of their trip, not noticing or caring about anything but their air conditioner, their right of way, and their cell-phones.

ok....i gotta stop
I agree with what you said.
Gets ya pissed off.
People are nuts on the road, I do deliveries with a box truck, an I've never seen so many people running red lights as I have in the past few months.

I also have a bike that I think is getting a little tune up. I won't have to think about joining a gym.
There's a lot of people that should get out of the gym and get out and pedal to work, Heck I could charge them to ride to work.
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