Read This - Go Get Gas!

You all wanna do something about it, DON'T GO TO WORK FOR ONE WEEK! If we could get EVERYONE that actually does work to stay home for one week (AT THE SAME TIME) that will put the screws to them all, they don't get to sell gas and rip us off, they dont collect any tax money (especially that CROCK OF COW POOP called FICA), no cons that run so called Business will get any goods made so they will have nothing to sell. But you'll all just complain and continue to create demand and they will continue to steal the meager cash u make from u. I personaly believe we need a huge category 5 huricane to go thru washington and blow away all the worthless scum bags that call themselves politicians, (they need to change their names to CONaticians because we all know they are worthless scum.

Are you all ready for the next DEPRESSION, it's here. Be sure to send a letter to Bush and his butt buddies in saudia arabia and Greenspan thanking them for ruining our country.