won't run now i have been troubleshooting cooling problems this morning and think i am on the right track.

i went for a drive and when i got out to the 4-lane, i went to go, and the car died....i thought i was out of gas, because i knew i was close. won't start because of heat soak problems, so i get the GF to bring her car and jump the cuda...after i put in 3 gallons of gas.
so i start it and go to take off, and it goes for a few seconds and sputters and dies....jump off again (heat soak)
goes again for a few seconds, but longer because i didn't get on it as hard....dies again (seems to be trying to die, but takes a little bit to be completely dead.....i know it's a fuel problem, because the tach is still firing, and it surges a little while it's trying to die.
happens a couple more times, and i finally try to just idle home....get nearby, and it bogs down again and finally dies....coast to driveway, and look.....
cannot see fuel level in the front bowl at all....secondary bowl is fine.

so i think it's either heat soak (at 70-75 degrees outside????), carburetor too hot, or bad fuel pump.......

anyone know? can a fuel pump just go bad that quick? i never had one just fail instantaneously....

seems like if the carb was too hot, then i'd have had no fuel in the sec bowl either.......but whenever it dies, i can pump it twice and it fires right up.........then eventually dies.

NOW....the only other thing i did besides mess with air flow across the radiator is adjust timing.....i went from 25 initial, 50 total down to 15 initial, 40 total