Bout time for some Hockey smack talk

I think in order to be involved in a sport you have to be exposed to it at a young age and play up through the ranks. If you think about it, how many cities in the U.S. have a strong youth hockey program, whereas you can find a basketball hoop on just about every garage in the U.S., and how many flag football games did you play as a kid?? Or how about little league?? The exposure to these sports is open to every kid in the free world, but name me the closest hockey rink or outdoor pond where they play drop in hockey to your house??? Not to mention the cost of all the equiptment needed to play hockey. I can get a basketball game together with just a ball and a hoop, or a football game with just a ball. Now if you remember Grant Fuhr, you know that he was one of the best goalies in the league, Period!!! Few and far between, sure, but it takes exposure as a kid to develop an interest in the game, which is sorely lacking in just about every city in the U.S. One last thing, GO WINGS!!! Geof