Saftey equipment for 10s ?

You'll also have to have metal valve stems, the rubber ones will not pass below 11.99. The belts can't be more than 2 years old either. You can use a tranny blanket as fitting a shield under the stock tunnel is a PITA. I did it but had to space the shield down with aluminum blocks 1 inch. You can't modify the shield in anyway. My engine and trans are set back about an inch too though. After this year I believe the Snell 95 helmets are no longer allowed. 10 years is, I believe, the limit on those. You will also need at least 3/8 bolts for hold downs on the battery, your kill switch will also have to work, in other words you'll need a relay in the alternator feed to keep it from feeding back and keeping the car running, they'll test it at about 3000 RPM's. A positive reverse lock out on the shifter also is needed unless (I think) it's still stock. I'm not totally sure on that but it's a good idea to have one anyway.

If the battery or any part of the fuel system are in the trunk you'll need a rear firewall that is completely sealed from the passenger compartment. If you just have the battery alone in the trunk then an approved battery box will do.

Can't find my NHRA rule book at the moment, I'll keep looking though.