i have 67 barracuda,lucky enough to come to me with 318 and 440 4 speed gtx box<clutch diameter cut down to suit small block bellhousing etc> bought shumacker mounts $150 schmacker headers $600 mc loud clutch $600 fresh 440 $3000 carb mini starter cheep enough,changed my rear to 8 3/4 year back when exploded<was originally slant 6>YOU TRY GETTING 8 3/4 REAR A BODY OVER HERE!!!> need to sort rear springs,tortion bars,shocks,brakes. its running ,hopfully get a mot<test/inspection?> then do as an on going rolling project, as i said in previous post "i live in wales,parts are like rocking horse poo here,i have no mopar knowledge,its always raining/cold,i have no garage just hardstanding area,4 ton trolley jack,4 axle stands oh and mates mini digger to remove engine!!! if i can do it................... email [email protected] for piccys on shumacker headers, they went straight on,mines a 67 lhd .