400 B block

Have you ever used parts from 440 Source? We have used them for quite a few years and have consistently ran low 10's with their parts! All that on pump gas!
I would say that is pretty good.
There are 8 cars in our group that all use 440 source and have had no problems.

No , not those parts specifically but I have seen the results of the use of their parts when the person didn't think they had to send the crank and rods out to be corrected because they were not usable as shipped , though many claim they are .

As far as low 10's , it takes alot more than a crank and a set of rods to go FAST , when the parts are CORRECTED they are no different than anyones elses offshore product , want to save even more , look up hawksracing on ebarf , same parts FOR LESS .

If I need cheap chinese junk cranks and rods I buy K1 products , spend a little more but at least the parts are MACHINED CORRECTLY and you don't get the round around if something gets through that is not .