Body work for dummies...

I'd like to add something about the panel fitment,I feel it's best to get the best panel fitment before you ever take the car apart,for beginners especially,get the panel fitment as best as you can before fixing rust spots etc,then do a panel at a time after you do the body work or metal work on each piece hang it back on the car to see your progress and make sure you havent changed it to where it no longer fits properly,with time and practice all of this that seems so hard will get easier.learn to see with your hand ie:close your eyes and run your hand held flat over a seeable dent and feel it out....then take a pencil(not a majic will bleed thru primers paint etc) and mark the dented areas.each time you do some more hammer and dollie or mud work feel out the area for the "results"after you have blocked out and area and primed it close the eyes and feel the whole car over again,several times if neccesary and mark the bad spots till you are satisfied,paint covers a multitude of sin but nothing hides great bodywork.good luck with your progect hope this was helpful