Need 4-speed Help
Just a thought. Read in an earlier post that you were using a roller pilot bearing. Is this the one that fits in the big register hole in the end of the crankshaft? Does your crankshaft have a pilot bushing hole drilled in the end of it? This hole should be around 3/4" in diameter and around 3/4" deep. The reason I bring this up is that the only roller pilot bearing that I have heard of for a Mopar is a rather large item that is made to fit into the register hole in the end of cranks that are not drilled for a pilot bushing so you can use a manual transmission with a crank that was originally made for an automatic and there is no pilot bushing hole. The fly in the ointment is that you have to trim the end of the transmission input shaft to prevent it from jamming against the end of the crank when everything is buttoned up if you do not have a pilot bushing hole. The input shaft only needs to be long enough to fill the pilot bearing without protruding through it. You may need to cut 1/2" to 3/4" off the end of your input shaft to make this happen. Just throwing out ideas and it's something to check. Hope this helps.