Help me decide!

Thanks for stepping in there Rumblefish and thanks for being patient. I might just end up testing your patience by the end of this thread :)

A Thermo Quad carb works how exactly vs. what other types of carb... I thought there were Quadrajets and evenly distributed 4bbl's....

Is there a benefit to to a TQ (I"m learnin!) on a dualplane intake?

The 340 cam is used but ran perhaps 3k miles max, the lifters are new in the box. Still shy away?

MP= Mopar Performance? (I know, I many stupid questions right?)

Partially I wan't an ignition upgrade for reliability, parts are hard to come by over here, I paid 25usd for a new rotor the other day...

If I go for the Mallory, any need for a higher voltage coil for street ap?