Help me decide!

Thanks for stepping in there Rumblefish and thanks for being patient. I might just end up testing your patience by the end of this thread :)

No problem, 360z28 could have answered these as well just sa easy. I think he was in another thread at that moment.
patience? I have enuff most times. But your best bet is a book or two. After reading the books, you'll have more questions, but not so newbie questions.
Look for "How to rebuild my small block mopar" and "How to hotrod my small block mopar" The factory has books as well. There good to get.
The Chassis book and an engine book on the size engine (And style) you have.

A Thermo Quad carb works how exactly vs. what other types of carb... I thought there were Quadrajets and evenly distributed 4bbl's....

Same as anyother carb. The T-Q has a spring loaded secondary door that allows you add or subtract tention for quicker or slower opening rates of the secondary door. The secondary door is above the butterflies.
The Carter AVS and Edelbrock Thunder AVS (Very similar carbs) also has this feature.
The AFB from Carter or Edelbrock have a weighted door.

The Holleys have a different design, but function in a sinilar way. Then theres Holley that have no secondary vacuum systems, these are called double pump carbs and are excellent for very high performance cars and race cars.

Is there a benefit to to a TQ (I"m learnin!) on a dualplane intake?

Well, that actually depends on what were looking to do. In general, a street or mild performance engine will like a spreadbore carb on top of a dual plane intake. This combo is very driver freindly and offers good all around performance.

However, there is nothing wrong with a squarebore carb on a square bore intake. Identical results could be found. Alot has to do with keeping a balance in the engine , car and driver.

The 340 cam is used but ran perhaps 3k miles max, the lifters are new in the box. Still shy away?
I made my statement quite clear, do what you want.

MP= Mopar Performance? (I know, I many stupid questions right?)
YES, MoPar Performance, --- (NO)

Partially I wan't an ignition upgrade for reliability, parts are hard to come by over here, I paid 25usd for a new rotor the other day...

If you paid that much for a rotor, go back and get your money and punch the seller in the face, hard, break his nose twice, He deserves it for chargeing you that much.

I have not gotten one in a while, but I think I paid a total of a $1.79 for the rotor.

If I go for the Mallory, any need for a higher voltage coil for street ap?

All you really need is an upgraded MP box, and IMO (In My Opinion) and I like the Chrome box. Use with the proper ballast resister. Your good to go.
Though a MSD set up is really nice and can help with low RPM power and mileage.


No problem, we all here to help.

Green, that is not a manifold listed and he is across the pond and then some.

Good advise Moper.