Death of a /6

Think I spoke too soon on Death of a /6...

I was involved in a car accident yesterday, my valiant might be totalled!! A lady turned left in front of me, I had no time to stop and I ended up hitting her car on her passenger side and my front driver side hit her. My face and nose hit the steering wheel. My nose was gushing blood so much that my hands were filled with a pool of it. Pretty nasty!! Police were there right away, gave the lady a ticket for failure to yield. I was rushed of to the hospital to get checked out. My neck, shoulders and my right knee are in some pain right now. I talked to the towing company last night and they said that the Valiant is undriveable. So I'm going to have it towed to my Grandma's so i can check it out. Then probably part it out, we'll see what happens between my insurance and the lady's. So far my insurance company told me that the lady is saying I blew a red light and before hand she said she saw no one coming. so theres contradicting her previous story right there. Luckily i asked the cop for his information right there while i was neck braced and laying down in the ambulance before they left the scene. Crazy day yesterday, I thought my life was up, when she pulled in front of me, all i could think of was breaking my nose and going into my brain on the steering wheel that's all solid metal and non collapsable.
I was saying my prayers on the way to impact!! Thank God that I'm alive!! Still have some dreams and things to accomplish before I go!! Especially get back to CA to visit or at least move back and get out of this nasty cold weather!!