Need 4-speed Help

Dude, if you refer to my first post, page1, I referenced these rollers! I used a napa factory style replacement pressure plate, probably not much difference, design wise. one of mine slipped out, all I did was pull arm back and fished roller in its home. works just fine, just high effort, but thats normal with these style. You`ll remember I mentioned Hung clutch? What this refers to is when your installing by yourself and slip you can accidently, pull an arm back dislodging roller, or even shift disc slightly, makeing line up, a no go. there is little room for error when lineing it up. I found lowering engine as much as possible, gives you a better shot at keeping tranny going straight in. Even with engine as low as it could go, I still had to keep tranny tight to tunnel to keep from hanging on anything. play it again sam:cheers: