4 speed with 440
There is no frame bracket on a Dart. Just a reinforcing plate welded to the outside of the inner fender where the hole is. Make a 1/8" thick plate and sticth weld it aound the hole, and you're ready for the bell crank (Z bar). The big block bell will take a special bell crank, and I don't know if they can be bought or not. If not, you can shorten the /6 one. The bell wil also need the bearing retainer hole enlarged to fit the OD bearing retainer. Not a big deal. Any shop with a Bradgeport or equal and do it. Just give them the bearing retainer. Cutting the input removes the last 3/4" or so that would normally seat in a factory drilled crank and pilot bushing arrangement. Because you are using the MP pilot bearing, and this bearing seats a bit farther back on the input shaft, you are not doing anything to hurt performance. Also, that bearing will fit any Mopar crank... so the trans can be re-used in anything so long as the MP pilot bearing assembly is used. Anyone who says it's weakening it has no idea what the mod is. There is no weakening of the transmission at all.