Diet to quit smoking

You said you wanted ppl to pray for you and I will do that. After trying to quit drinking too many times to count I was told how. Even after it was destroying everything around me, my family, my morals, and even my mopars were rotting nothing worked. Until someone told me you need to decide to "serve" Jesus Christ, not just claim him as Savior. I've been quit drinking for almost 3 years now I reckon (not exactly sure)

On top of this I finally took the same approach to the cigarettes, after smoking 11 years, I asked God to deliver me from them. It wasn't easy but you have to stay in prayer. My wife still smokes and I never changed my diet or anything like that, though I heard I should. I just love my caffine too much. I still have no desires or urges for them. My main reason for quitting was the example my kids will see and the other neighborhood kids, and kids at church that come around and think my cars are cool.

I don't work at a church, I'm not a pastor or youth minister. I just a guy, that makes Timken bearings and likes mopars. But I've chosen to serve the Lord in my daily life, where ever that leads. Any ways, you want a sure fire way to quit, thats it. (another thing, not every man that attends church "serves" God) Good luck and God bless.