Diet to quit smoking

Thats what it looks Mike I told my daughter I was quiting the umpteenth time after smoking Marlboro reds for 30 years and she laughed and said Dad you cant quit. That is what it took. She gave me the commitment to do what I said. You dont want to tell your kids something and not live up to it. I paced the floors when not working for 3 months jonesing for a smoke and everytime i was breaking down i,d think about my daughter laughing saying you cant quit. Cant let your kids` down. beef jerky works great. Not fattening and keeps your mouth and hand that held the smoke buzy. When you want a smoke grab a piece of jerky. The harder and tougher the better. Idle time is when you want to smoke the most so stay buzy.9 years smoke free and counting. i even have a cigarrette once or twice a year now when im out with smokers in a bar and dont need to keep smoking. I,ve definately kicked the addiction. Daredevil