Diet to quit smoking

I smoked for twelve years. This March will be my 10 year anniversary of being smoke free.

Cigarette addiction comes in two parts. There is a physical addiction to the nicotine (and whatever other god-awful crap they put in the things), and a psychological addiction to the act of smoking.

The physical part of the addiction lasts approximately 3 days. The trick is, every time you get some of it in your system, it basically starts over. This is why cutting down doesn't work, and also why the gum and patch have such lousy success ratios. It does get much better after you get past this part.

The psychological part is the toughest to kick, and that varies widely by personality type. I was mega-addicted, and this part was very difficult for me.

Here are some things that helped me.

Decide on a day to go cold turkey, not further away than two weeks. It allows you time to build up some psychological fortitude.

Change your routines. Take a different way to work, shop at different stores. Avoid the places you used to smoke.

Throw away all your smokes and paraphernalia. Its easier to avoid temptation if you have to go buy out and buy them.

Caffeine and other stimulants make the nic-fits worse. Alcohol too. Avoid them.

I put up a calendar, and every night before bed would mark down another smoke-free day. After you've got a good string of days marked down, it's reassuring, and you don't want to have to start over on it.

I went nuts on skittles. Trying different color combinations, different numbers at a time. Sounds nuts, I know. I didn't gain any weight though. My business partner sought solace in chips when he quit and put on about 10 pounds. Everybody's different.

Ask the wife and kids for help and support. Tell them you might be a little grumpy, but your just trying to be healthier.

Remember, it only takes one.

I have a very addictive personality, and when I was trying to quit, my room-mate switched to my brand! Also couldn't throw out his ashtrays and stuff. If I can do it, anybody can.

I've been quit for almost 10 years now, and I am in the best shape of my life. Food tastes better, I can do more, and concentrate better. I can be a real bastard about people smoking around me too. (yes, I'm one of those guys).

Good Luck
