My last post here

I have been around here for at least three re-births of this forum. It was a small site. That grew to 400 people at that point it was still a ma and pa site. Very close very caring and protective of each other. Of course even though it grew to 400 members and even at that point it was still mostly 75 people who did the regular posting. When Brett got his car into the Mopar mag we instantly grew to 1000 members. At that point alot of the newer members started to post quite regularly. I am embarrassed to admit that at that point our little family was crowding up with strangers. Now I don't mean this in a bad sense so please do not take it that way I'm just trying to explain a situation from my own point of view.

At the same time there were personal problems being experienced by the owner of this forum. Enter Joey Chicago. The sight was sold. The long standing members were shocked and upset. Joey made changes and now there was someone to blame for our frustrations. This was and is not fair. Its like me telling you that you can't put those wheels on your car because I don't like it. Who the hell am I to tell you this its your car and you can do what you want to it!!
Alot of people thought it was Joes fault the place lost its friendly caring family feel. Not true!!! This feeling was put here by us and pulled by us, we held it back it was our own doing and again, I am embarrassed to say this.
This is a great site and always has been!! I still talk to John and I am a MOD on the site he went to and it is a great site also. Hell I belong to lots of sites.
I'm posting this because I'm hearing members say its not the same. Nothing remains the same. If you want the same feel it had then start putting it back into it. This site as any other is a vehicle, we the members drive it. So start driving. Again I mean no offense to old or new members just something I had to say and I am not speaking on anyone elses behalf but my own!!!!!