Members You've Met

Now I feel like a slut, I met a good number of members @ Moparfest, as well as various other locations.

MrMopartech, MtNemoMopar, 68valiant400, Mshred, TheBigE, Leblanc, Flight704, Moparwedden.

To name a few, some escape me at this time, and all were great guys.

Pettybluedart, I'm working with the car club for a meeting area, for now it seems like the beer gardens area. I can live with that, lol.

Moparfest was awesome having our section would be even cooler,

i met a few guys too, drove up with mtnemomopar he's a really nice guy with a sweet car helped me get up there and put up with my high gears going slow taking back roads, also 340butterduster mrmopartech,prettybluedart,66signetht,moparwedden,

sorry if i forgot anyone but there was one guy who was a real a- hole his name was ......... just kidding everyone from fabo me and the wife met were the nicest and friendly people, the one thing i have always found with us mopar guys is that we stick together and help each other whenever possible, theres a reason you only hear about chevys and fords fighting nobody messes with a mopar!8)