4 speed with 440
I currently run a 23 spline a-body 4 speed in my 73 440/4 speed Duster. I am useing a Lakewood blowproof bellhouseing and TTI 1 3/4 underchassis headers.I bought the bellhouseing 5 years ago @Carlisle for $100 with the block plate.The car was set-up with a 360/3 speed when i changed it over.I have a Dana 60 i will be installing. I would look for a used blowproof if money is tight.Quicktime also makes a nice bellhouseing.It looks like they might fit a little better than the Lakewood.Brewers sells the bigblock a-body z-bar set-up and can help you.I had to buy the z-bar with one end unwelded and modify the bellhouseing to fit with my headers.Sorry i can't post any pics.I don't get to this site very often, but if i can help with any questions feel free to ask. Dave