Engine Re-Assy Problem

Did you plastigage the other 7 rods on that crank? If it ran, and you didnt damage it by overtorqing, it should be fine. I dont think the rod will go out of round by itself. I have gottne myself so confused before that I've had to take it all apart and start from the beginning...lol before I started using my assembly form. I think i'd take all 8 out, beign very carfeul to not mix anything, quadruple check the installation of the rod, piston and cap, and plastigage each journal as you go. recording them all. Then if all 7 are good, but #1 is tight, it's the rod. Also, with stock type flat top pistons, that forward facing mark... really doesnt matter. I dont know of any piston manufacturer that is using the offset pin any more. So it looks neat and technically is correct to have them all facing front. But if they were reversed, it means nothing.