Resurrected Junk

On the trip where I was running 80-85, the driver's front vent whistled and the driver's door glass rattled against the frame. The door glass rattle was temporarily fixed by inserting a couple of business cards in the front door glass guide track. (Rear track was eliminated as a potential source because it had been replaced after coming back from painting.) What material was left in the track was as hard as a rock. Nothing I did seemed to eliminate the vent whistle.

Because I could not reach the track with the vent in the door, I knew the whole thing would have to come out. First thing to do was to remove the fuzzies from the bottom of the window opening. The door glass has to be taken out of it's holder to create more room, so the door has to come apart. Then the front track and vent assembly can be removed by removing the screw accessible through the bottom of the door. Tilt the assembly back to clear the door frame, wiggle, and jiggle and it's out.

I removed the clip where the vent window pivot pin is secured to the frame, and then removed the top vent pivot. Normally, the whole vent window and lower frame with pin can be removed. However, a PO had gone about it differently and had separated the glass from the lower frame with some damage to the glass. Here was my whistling vent.

At this point I was on unfamiliar turf. There was a left front vent assembly on ebay that no body had bid on. One of the disadvantages of finding stuff late in the bid process is that you can't get an answer back from the seller if you have questions. I swooped in and got it figuring it would be a cheap lesson if it did not work out.

The vent assembly was from a hard top. The glass and gasket were in much better condtion than mine. The vent frame and consequently the gasket have a different shape. However, the glass is exactly the same. It has the same shape and curvature. The sedan frame comes to a point at the top, where the hardtop is radiused. The hardtop gasket is around 3/4 inch too short to use in this application.

After re-installing the replacement into my vent frame, I removed the rock hard window track gasket out of the metal track. The track has a symentrical depth of ½ inch and the width is ½ inch. I got the front track gasket material from JC Whitney, where I had also gotten the rear gasket (which is a different size and profile).

The window now fits like the designers intended. It does not rattle when I shut the door. It also requires more effort to raise and lower due to having new track gaskets fore and aft.

I made photos of everything to show the problem and the differences between the sedan and hardtop assemblies. If





