Remodeling weekend part 2

Well all the drywall is in, It's not all taped and muded yet but it is up.
Had to rebuild 1 entire wall where the window goes, That was a joy :shock:
But all total for what has been done.......
Can Lights
Light covers
Corner Beads (metal)
Lumber (for wall)
1 Window (other one isnt in yet, still on order)
Bib (for washer/dryer)
Wire Nuts
Insulation (7 rolls of R-19)
Green Board
Tyvek house wrap

I have just under a grand in it so far, ALL labor has been free or a work trade off kind of thing.
I cant wait till it's done, It's starting to take a toll on me :)
I have taken pics as we went so far, If I have time I will have them developed tomorrow and will post after i get home from work (hope they turned out).
All the guys helping are taking a week off from here to get there own stuff done so looks like I might get a short brake for now.
Next on the list after sanding the drywall is paint, Flooring, cabinets, countertop,stove.
See......this is why i like working on cars, There waaaay easier to deal with :lol:
Catch ya all later.