D-Dart photo from alan627b

BurntOrange, ask and ye shall recieve...it says out of stock right now, but I'd contact them and see if when they will make more.
These guys usually make small batches at one time.

here's another one! http://resinrealm.net/Star/RRGalleries/RR_All.html

Here's more useful stuff.
71 swinger and others.. http://www.banditresins.com/1971_plymouth_scamp.html


Aspen stock car http://www.fredsresinworkshop.com/

W300 crewcab http://public.fotki.com/FINKSGARAGE/1/dodge_w-300_-_tom/crew_cab/

Most of these guys have Chrysler products, I just hit the highlights.
Most of the reisn bodies use easily bought kits to furnish the rest of the parts, some are complete kits.

63 Valiant! http://www.motorcityresincasters.com/mcrcc.htm

The modelhaus! http://www.modelhaus.com/index.php?part=1


Pro street 73 Colt and dodge trucks etc http://www.freewebs.com/rmrresin/nf125.htm

accessories ultra cool! http://www.seltd.net/