Difference between lobe lift and pushrod lift

Has anyone measured the loss of lift on the small Mopar because of the lifter and pushrod not being in plain with each other? I have...and I come up with aprox. .009-.010. Lobe lift on my comp XE275HL is .350 actual lift on push rod end is .340. Most racers do this wrong by multiplying lobe lift by rocker ratio and NOT including this offset loss of lift. Cam card says .525 lift (hyd.) divide by design ration 1.5 and you get .350 lobe lift. True, I measured it. subtract .010 for offset loss, and I now show .340 on pushrod end, true, as measured. Multiply by 1.6 (Crane 1.6), and I should have a TRUE .544 at valve as installed. And I have exactly .544 at the valve. You can use a solid lifter to measure this or make a solid out of a hyd. lifter by removing spring and turning bucket over.( this works better with hyd. cams because lifter is same length.) Using the standard practice ... .525 and plug in 1.6 rackers it will show .560 lift... Nothing wrong with getting it right. Just wanted to throw this out there..I'm sure it has been tossed around before. TLB.