Difference between lobe lift and pushrod lift

Well you bring up a good topic, but you have to take into account that the lifter will vary as to oil pressure also since it's hyd., then you have to also take into account the stock rockers are only 1.43-1.46 in actual ratio. Then for that matter the aftermarket rockers aren't really true either. Unless you buy a true ratio rocker from one of the few manufactures that offer them. But you don't buy them for $200.00-$300.00 either.
I believe that the manufactures of camshafts grind the cams to a given spec. and then heat treat them and this is where the loss of lift comes in, as the cams are heated and then cooled the cams will have a tendency to shrink as the material that the cam is made out of tends to get tighter as to make it (the surface) stronger and more duriable.

BJR Racing