Roller Rockers Geometry

Didn't know they actually had 2 lines of shaft rockers, magnum & pro-magnum. Formerly the standard magnums were stud-type only. Doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info on them other than what's on the CC website. They are limited to 350 lbs open spring pressure so they could be considered a mild street upgrade. CC does say they should be marked with their logo on the website but who knows if this is fact or not.

Yeah I have the magnums not the pro magnums in which is probably the one you had in your hand yesterday.

I said in my previous post that Matt at Comp is going to compare his with my pictures. I got to thinking .... how is he going to do that if they don't make them anymore?

I'm just going to run them and say the heck with it! I'm very confident that they are truly Comps especially seeing the pictures on the link that scamp 408 posted. I don't like the adjusters on the Pro magnums and I'm not running more than 350 spring pressure.

I don't think I will ever buy another part from a individual again of this nature again. Not motor parts anyways. I will buy from some place on the web like Summit, Mancinis. That's what I get from trying to save a few bucks.