Heres a vid of something unseen

Nice Lil' vega,Welcome to F.a.b.o.keep up the good work,nothin wrong with practicing on chevy's I learned a lot in life from working on chevys and fords,met a lot of nice people with diffrent brands of cars,all had one thing in of cars my best friend/partner of twenty some years is chevy amc guy,some of you guy's need to wise up,some of the stuff you say on the putter you wouldn't say to the man's gotta go back down the road you leave behind.I'm sure you have met people who talked smack about your mopars before...wasn't very nice was it???? set an example,If i seen some guy with a chevy or ford broke down on the side of the road do you think it would stop me from offering a helping hand???I've had people in chevy's and fords help me before,never asked for anything in return just helped a fellow car enthusiast just because it was the right thing to do.any way welcome to the world's kewlest car site on the planet!!!:cheers: