How did you become addicted to MoPar?

I have to say it comes from the stories that my dad and uncles told being driving age when these cars were new, My dads family was "too Poor for anything other than a Plymouth" first car any of the kids had was a 56 Savoy (I have 2) stories range from 68 barracuda run off the road into a ditch near my elementary school, Mom is a 72 Charger big block sliding sideways toward traffic in an ice storm. My uncle's Dart GTS and its trophies. The most influential is probably when my uncle and dad had Twin 66 or 67 satellites Both Blue one a 318 and one a Hemi (I have seen the Pic or i wouldnt believe it) they would pick up a "flying Mile" race in the 318 car and bring the Hemi to the show. I am 28 and wish life was as simple now as it seemed then.