whats this "340 car" worth?

when i see easy stuff like cleaning up wiring done half assed like on this car i have to wonder what else they half assed. and i'm not talking about a little overspray. i'm talking about the birds nest of wires under that hood. i don't think is a mopar guy only thing. anyone with half a brain should ask that question also. i'm suposed to believe that someone that couldn't do really easy stuff correctly actually did everything else correctly? hell no.

the stripe work done on the car is hideous. the hood in the pics looks like it was sprayed with a can. i would bet that the paint is a quicky and if the car is bought would not hold up well. the car is a 6 cyl car with half assed wiring under the hood and god knows where else, the paint is huge question mark until seen in person. int needs to be done. in this economy i say its a $2500 car and that may be a stretch.


I am asking for opinions and I am certainly getting them...LOL

I have seen similar wiring done in the other cars I have looked at. I do see some stock-looking plugs there, and other stuff that doesnt look stock....

I dunno, from the one angle it does look messy...from the other, not.

As far as paint -- wouldnt ya say that the trunk looks exceptionally well done? IE no overspray on wiring there, etc?

Its pretty hard to find original body, rust free, good paint, good interior v8 cars running good for $4-5k....at least in my neck of the woods.

Maybe I am looking in the wrong places....but just cant seem to find them.

Like you said , paint is hard to judge by pictures....A couple I went and looked at looked perfect or very nice in the pictures and then you see it in person.