A body bucket seats Worth?

Hi everyone. Been a while since I've been on. Looking for some help on a pair of bucket seats that I have that I'm going to need to sell. I seem to remember them being '73 or '74 Duster seats, but memory is not what it used to be so I'm sure someone can chime in and confirm for me. Was planning on recovering etc. and putting in our Dart, but health has gotten much worse so have finally come to the realization that they just aren't going to happen.

The seats are in nice shape. The previous owner took the cover off one seat and his cat decided to use it as a scratching post before he realized. The foam itself has nice spring in it and is not powder if you know what I mean by that. I was going to pull the other cover, put a thin layer of batting on each (is that the term?) and put on some new covers. Not long after I got them health turned for the worse though and so they have just sat high and dry in my shed with nothing done to them.

There are no tracks for them. I do have three of the hinge cover pieces I got when I got the seats and I have the cover rods for the seat that has no cover on it (two rods I think it is). Other than that they are as pictured.

How much do you think they might be worth as I've really no idea now? Of course, can certainly use the money now, but at the same time not looking to retire off of them if you know what I mean. Should I muck with eBay on them or just advertise them on Craigslist or something? Hmm, guess I'm sort of advertising them here as well now I've posted this. Sorry if in wrong section if so. Guess if anyone is interested you could email me. Just not sure what they are worth is the point really.

Thanks for any help.





