A body bucket seats Worth?

Thanks for the reply. I like the look of this style seat too. Just not going to be able to do anything with them sorry to say.

Thanks for the input on the value. I probably need to post again in the for sale section then or do you think eBay is a better place to put them?

If I said then $130 do you think that would be fair? Don't remember what I paid for them sorry to say, but seems like it was around that. Could certainly use the funds now and as I'm in no fit shape to do anything with them so time for them to go. I do remember I got them from a really nice chap. We emailed back and forth for a while, but then I lost his email.

Anyway, any input from anyone gladly accepted and if anyone is interested in them you can PM me on them. Located in NM. I know they can be shipped if the backs are unbolted I believe, but I would guess that might be somewhat expensive and I'd have to buy a box or two.

Thanks for your help.