Rant: Horsepower/muscle car tv shows

Sorry Whip but I got to respectfully disagree. TV shows like this have a big advantage over everyone that watches, they can shoot retakes. When they screwed up so bad that they had to find a cast crank they could have fixed the problem and retaken the shot. When they dyno tested the engine and it was obvious that something was wrong (and if it wasn't obvious then they should be shot with a you know what) then they should have found out the reason why. Myself and most people on this forum wouldn't slap something together, saw that something was wrong then just walk away. It's the screw ups that people are remembered for, maybe that's not right, it's just the way it is. But in difference I guess I could offer a suggestion for the TV people, "stick with Chevy 350's they're kind of like BIC disposable lighters".



Not a problen if you have a different view on this. This is why I like this site. I am on this site because of a project I am working on. But after some time it is apparent the depth of knowlage that is shaired out weighs any attraction a person may have to a brand of car make.

The worst thing about HP/TV is they have too much lead in to all the shows. They need to be like the old Elvis song " A little less conversation and a little more action":rock:
