Super Gas

The .4 reaction times you were seeing are common because super gas is run on a .400 pro tree. If you are not .400 something on the tree, you are going home. .3-- something is a red light. You will want to do some serious homework before jumping in to super class racing. Very competitive,and very sophisticated for some. Can be done with older equipment, but takes a lot of work and some one who can "drive the big end". Stil boils down to who has best package. I certainly would like to try it some time. Let us know how you do. Good luck.

I don't see how a .3-- would be a red light,unless reaction time means something other than it used to. A .3 used to mean you could have left .3 seconds sooner without red lighting. I never seen them run a pro tree, unless it also means something differant.Every light that I saw used 3 yellows. I know when I raced they had eather 4 or 5 yellow lights. I beleave it was 4 .5 yellows then .5 to green, I know it was called a 2 & 1/2 second tree.The results I read said 1 car cut a .3-- tree and another cut a .3-- and red lighted. another car just red lighted.
I have made 2 runs in my car, the first I was going to drive through to see how car felt,I staged too deep and had a.507 R/Twith a 1.70 60'. the second pass I still foot braked, but left a little earlier & harder got a .152 R/T and 1.454 60', stayed in it and ran a 10.118 @130.41 .I was very pleased first 2 runs without a clutch & first runs in 30 years, things sure has changed !!