Super Gas

That's kinda the view of the "anti-electrics" guys here. You essentially have a bracket car (9.90), electronics to control it, why bother with a driver? However there have been cases of guys getting on & off the throttle & the car breaking loose & crashing, so some might feel the electrics are something of a safety (?) item in that regard.
It's like NHRA (& NASCAR) are saying "You can race, but don't go TOO fast or we'll penalize you!":wack:Heads-up racing is too big bucks. The easiest thing, IMO is simply outlaw electronics & throttle stops--- or else go back to racing classes every weekend.
The driver still has to stage the car properly, hit the tree, and run the number. If the boxes aren't set right, the traction goes away, or any other thing goes wrong you loose. The good foot brake racer will win against a box car more often than not.